Composer Cheat Sheet for developers
Composer is the dependency manager for PHP and you are on a one-page-only documentation for this tool.
Official documentation is on the official website,
this page just brings you the essential.
One line installer
curl -sS | php
composer.phar most needed command line
$ composer require foo/bar or foo/bar:1.0.0 or foo/bar=1.0.0 or "foo/bar 1.0.0" $ composer install $ composer update with optionnal package (and -W to include dependencies of this package too) $ composer update --lock $ composer dump-autoload --optimize
other commands
$ composer about $ composer archive $ composer browse $ composer clear-cache $ composer config --list $ composer create-project symfony/standard-edition dir/ $ composer depends vendor-name/package-name $ composer diagnose $ composer exec $ composer global $ composer help $ composer info $ composer init $ composer licenses $ composer list $ composer outdated $ composer prohibits $ composer remove $ composer run-script $ composer search my keywords $ composer self-update $ composer show $ composer status $ composer suggests $ composer validate
composer.json file
{ "name": "vendor-name/project-name", "description": "This is a very cool package!", "version": "0.3.0", "type": "library", "keywords": ["logging", "cool", "awesome"], "homepage": "", "time": "2012-12-21", "license": "MIT", "authors": [ { "name": "Xavier Lacot", "email": "", "homepage": "", "role": "Developer" }, { "name": "Benjamin Clay", "email": "", "homepage": "", "role": "Developer" } ], "support": { "email": "", "issues": "", "forum": "", "wiki": "", "irc": "irc://", "source": "", "docs": "", "chat": "" }, "require": { "monolog/monolog": "1.0.*", "joli/ternel": "@dev", "joli/ternel-bundle": "@stable", "joli/semver": "^2.0", "joli/package": ">=1.0 <1.1", "acme/foo": "dev-master#2eb0c097" }, "require-dev": { "debug/dev-only": "1.0.*" }, "conflict": { "another-vendor/conflict": "1.0.*" }, "replace": { "debug/dev-only": "1.0.*" }, "provide": { "debug/dev-only": "1.0.*" }, "suggest": { "jolicode/gif-exception-bundle": "For fun!" }, "autoload": { "psr-4": { "Monolog\\": "src/", "Vendor\\Namespace\\": "" }, "psr-0": { "Monolog": "src/", "Vendor\\Namespace": ["src/", "lib/"], "Pear_Style": "src/", "": "src/" }, "classmap": ["src/", "lib/", "Something.php"], "files": ["src/MyLibrary/functions.php"] }, "autoload-dev": { "psr-0": { "MyPackage\\Tests": "test/" } }, "target-dir": "Symfony/Component/Yaml", "minimum-stability": "stable", "repositories": [ { "type": "composer", "url": "" }, { "type": "vcs", "url": "" }, { "type": "pear", "url": "" }, { "type": "package", "package": { "name": "smarty/smarty", "version": "3.1.7", "dist": { "url": "", "type": "zip" }, "source": { "url": "", "type": "svn", "reference": "tags/Smarty_3_1_7/distribution/" } } }, { "type": "artifact", "url": "path/to/directory/with/zips/" }, { "type": "path", "url": "../../packages/my-package" }, { "": false } ], "config": { "process-timeout": 300, "use-include-path": false, "preferred-install": "auto", "store-auths": "prompt", "github-protocols": ["git", "https", "http"], "github-oauth": {"": "oauthtoken"}, "gitlab-oauth": {"": "oauthtoken"}, "github-domains": [""], "gitlab-domains": [""], "github-expose-hostname": true, "disable-tls": false, "cafile": "/var/", "capath": "/var/", "http-basic": {"":{"username":"foo","password":"bar"}, "platform": {"php": "5.4", "ext-something": "4.0"}, "vendor-dir": "vendor", "bin-dir": "bin", "data-dir": "/home/ternel/here", "cache-dir": "$home/cache", "cache-files-dir": "$cache-dir/files", "cache-repo-dir": "$cache-dir/repo", "cache-vcs-dir": "$cache-dir/vcs", "cache-files-ttl": 15552000, "cache-files-maxsize": "300MiB", "bin-compat": "auto", "prepend-autoloader": true, "autoloader-suffix": "pony", "optimize-autoloader": false, "sort-packages": false, "classmap-authoritative": false, "notify-on-install": true, "discard-changes": false, "archive-format": "tar", "archive-dir": "." }, "archive": { "exclude": ["/foo/bar", "baz", "/*.test", "!/foo/bar/baz"] }, "prefer-stable": true, "scripts": { "pre-install-cmd": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doSomething", "post-install-cmd": [ "MyVendor\\MyClass::warmCache", "phpunit -c app/" ], "pre-update-cmd": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doSomething", "post-update-cmd": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doSomething", "pre-status-cmd": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doSomething", "post-status-cmd": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doSomething", "pre-package-install": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doSomething", "post-package-install": [ "MyVendor\\MyClass::postPackageInstall" ], "pre-package-update": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doSomething", "post-package-update": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doSomething", "pre-package-uninstall": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doSomething", "post-package-uninstall": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doSomething", "pre-autoload-dump": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doSomething", "post-autoload-dump": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doSomething", "post-root-package-install": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doStuff", "post-create-project-cmd": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doThis", "pre-archive-cmd": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doSomething", "post-archive-cmd": "MyVendor\\MyClass::doSomething", }, "extra": { "key": "value" }, "bin": ["./bin/toto"] }